

Resolving Disputes and Safeguarding Business Interests: Our Expertise in Business Litigation

Representing Your Business in Court

It’s 2023, and we understand that the nature of the markets is more unusual than ever. But the markets will always have legal problems to deal with, and this year is no exception. Business litigation is a relatively complex legal sub-practice area that requires courtroom experience, tenacious legal advocacy, and the determination to see a case through to the end. Our firm is renowned for standing up to multi-billion dollar corporations, and it’s earned us a seat at the table with the world’s best-known law firms.

In a word, our reputation comes from our ironclad will to fight for our clients’ cases.

Now that you understand our commitment, let’s answer some of our clients’ most frequently asked questions.

What is Litigation?

Merriam-Webster defines litigation as “the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law.” Litigation also includes any legal dispute settled by the parties through alternate resolution methods, such as an arbitration or agreement made before a court hearing.

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Cueto Law Group is your dedicated partner when it comes to navigating the complexities of business litigation. Our experienced team of business litigation attorneys possesses the expertise to offer strategic guidance and legal representation throughout the entire litigation process. We begin by thoroughly assessing your case, and understanding your specific concerns and objectives. From there, we develop a tailored approach to address the dispute effectively.

Whether it's contract disputes, partnership disagreements, intellectual property conflicts, or any other commercial legal issue, we diligently work to protect your business interests. We strive to achieve the most favorable outcome through negotiations, mediation, or, if necessary, aggressive representation in the courtroom. At Cueto Law Group, we are committed to safeguarding your rights, ensuring a fair resolution, and minimizing the impact of litigation on your business operations and reputation.

What Are the Odds of a Jury Trial?

2017 statistics for Miami-Dade County show that 99.4 percent of their recently-filed civil disputes will reach a resolution by means other than a jury trial. In other words, jury trials are often too expensive and drawn-out to even be bothered with, no matter the circumstances of the case or who initially files the lawsuit. However, it’s important to stress that it is fully within your Constitutional rights to take a case to trial, if you so choose. No matter what route you decide to take, we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

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Do Most Cases Settle?

Recent data suggests that most cases settle. In Miami-Dade County, the settlement rate for jury trial cases is approximately 99 percent, as of 2018. In layman’s terms, this means that 99 percent of jury trial cases filed in Miami-Dade County ultimately get settled.

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In the realm of legal disputes, the majority of cases find resolution through settlements before reaching the courtroom.

At Cueto Law Group, we understand this trend and employ a strategic approach to guide our clients through the settlement process seamlessly.

Our experienced team of attorneys excels in negotiation and mediation, striving to reach a fair and advantageous settlement for our clients. We meticulously evaluate your case, consider your goals, and skillfully represent your interests during negotiations.

Our aim is to facilitate an agreement that not only saves time and resources but also aligns with your objectives and protects your business. When you choose Cueto Law Group, you're choosing a legal partner committed to securing the best possible outcome for your case through effective negotiation and resolution strategies.

Fierce Business and Commercial Litigation

Our team of high-skilled business litigation attorneys at the Cueto Law Group can help with the following business litigation issues:

  • Civil Complaints
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Complex Business Litigation
  • Breach of Contract
  • International Commercial Disputes

Corporate and business litigation happens when negotiations over commercial disputes fail to accomplish what they set out to do outside of the courtroom, and business litigation can effectively settle civil disputes between business entities, any type of business organization or association, individuals, or any combination of the aforementioned. Even though arbitration or mediation may stall the lawsuit before it heads to trial, there are still disputes to resolve, claims and defenses defined, damages asserted, and parties that have been made public.

Even though business litigation lawsuits are typically less emotionally taxing than wrongful death, child custody and support, or personal injury lawsuits, they are still fairly grim, and just as serious. Business litigation lawsuits often have complex webs of facts to untangle and a host of nuanced legal arguments to make, in addition to the millions of dollars that are usually at stake.

Ideally, an experienced Florida litigation attorney will relentlessly, and successfully, defend a client from any civil action or criminal charges they’re facing. In other words, they’ll present their clients’ cases in the best light so that both the court and jury can gain a better understanding of the client’s motives.

The Cueto Law Group’s team of leading Miami-based business attorneys are committed to resolving every aspect of their clients’ cases, regardless of the case’s circumstances. We walk alongside our clients throughout their legal journey so that we can fully understand their cases and provide them with the best representation in the courtroom. We are committed to offering our clients the most dedicated and professional legal representation, ensuring that nothing gets forgotten when crafting the most sensible courtroom defense strategy for them.

It’s no secret that the law governs most aspects of our lives; let the litigation lawyers at Cueto Law Group help make these laws work for you, too.

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